Name: clayspade, Clay preferred.
Age: 13.
Gender: Male.
How long you have been playing toribash: Approximately for a year now on this account. Otherwise 1½ year.
Are you ingame a lot (saying no is okay, we do need forum people): Sometimes.
Are you in IRC a lot: If necessary.
Past clans: [Bleu], [Pure].
Why do you want to join DreamScape?: For it's "the newborn Pure".
Do you know who I am?: I do. ;)
If so, from where do you know me?: From [Pure].
Do you like pie?: Yum.
Please make a brief summarization of yourself. See example of mine under "God" (look for the spoiler called "lumpysolo")
Hi guys, I'm Clay. I'm a quite young Toribash player and an active forumite from Finland. What I lack in playing skills, I add up a little in replays and art & textures. You can contact me on Minecraft forums as Cycle and on Skype as vaahtovanukas.
Last edited by clayspade; Feb 6, 2012 at 08:24 PM.