My idea is related to the others' idea's except we don't have weapons. We're weaponless, but ready to pound faces in. We're all facing the camera, but not everyone is looking at it. Atmosphere should be slightly dark, pretty much battling at dawn. Everyone get's their own poses and specialties (so those who want weapons can have weapons.)
I prefer my guy to be looking down on a blue fire ball that I'm creating with both hands, somewhat like Master Roshi does in his version of the Kamehameha.
How the hands should be are at 1:05. Also, no gay stance like Roshi does :<. Just simply standing up.
Hey if you want a funny like approach,
I suggest a strip club you know, the sexiest toris dancing and us throwing money OR
for a more serious approach me kicking ico0n in the face ;)
no but seriously it would be cool for us to be like in the jungle or something in like a little river with guns and stuffs :3 , tbh i think ico0n should be like the guy on the bf3 cover but different stance but you know all at the front like a tank and stuff /