Original Post
Here we go.
For now I've proposed tomorrow, 18/19 gmt, waiting for TPC's answer.
Who can show up at that time?
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
I'm all over that like butter on a waffle. Just dueled nuthug in lenshu3 (tbm of this round) last night so raring to go. Do you guys prefer grab or no grab? Most purists prefer no grab, less wanky. Talked with Pie about this yesterday he said he'd talk with his mates about preference. We may not have a choice, but I would certainly prefer no grab.
Originally Posted by Piegod, leader of TPC
Sorry guys, but tomorrow is just too short notice.

However, would 21:00 (0 GMT) work for you guys this upcoming saturday?

Well darn, was already for a good lenshu fight. Powas is trying to hammer out a time next weekend.
Friday night i can probably make that, but it would have to be after 11pm on Saturday or Sunday in order for me to show up.