Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
entry fee issue

we were hosting tourney and set entry fees correct, with house, also there was a knockout.
I got lines about it in my transaction history, but i didn't recive any tc from fees.
the question is: where whole this tc gone, and is it going to be fixed?
or how does it work now?
Last edited by snake; Sep 20, 2012 at 05:47 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
i guess the tc sunk D:

anyways i tested it just now and the entry fee shows up in my trade history tho i didnt recive any tc.
<Fish> have you used it without being an ingame admin before?
<snake> yup
<snake> we tested it some time ago
<snake> i recived some tc from each entry
<snake> i'm pretty sure i wans't gm that time
<Fish> yeah I'm not sure why it wouldn't work
<Fish> unless it's been changed or something
<Fish> well the logs are clearly wrong
<snake> well just to let you know, we tested it with imapirate (gm) atm and he didn't got anything aswell
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Didn't recieve anything after I won the tourney,so dunno where the tc went.

Date Username Amount Type Balance
2012-03-17 07:18:40 To - snake -10 Tournament Fee (buy in) 0
2012-03-17 06:12:28 From - bookie 500 Bets 0
2012-03-17 06:11:19 To - bookie -500 Bets 0
2012-03-17 05:59:41 To - bookie -1,000 Bets 0
2012-03-17 05:58:59 From - bookie 1,202 Bets 0
2012-03-17 05:55:17 To - bookie -500 Bets 0
2012-03-17 05:48:42 To - snake -10,000 Transfer 173,775
2012-03-17 05: 35:13 To - snake -500 Tournament Fee (buy in) 0
2012-03-17 05: 32:25 To - snake -500 Tournament Fee (buy in) 0
Your messed up world enthrills me
if you would have read the first post you would have saw they did.

also ingame admin gets auto house when he joines a server... just to make sure ive done the command again after entering....
I think entry fee is just supposed to sink. It doesn't actually get collected by the house. Not sure why this is but that's just how it works.
Originally Posted by marcus View Post
I think entry fee is just supposed to sink. It doesn't actually get collected by the house. Not sure why this is but that's just how it works.

well, some time before ( about 2-3 weeks ) it was working as supposed, means server adming was reciving tc.

it can work like sink only when there is no house, and i understand that, but when you recive entry fee lines in your transaction hostory, but infact you don't recive anything looks more like a bug, rather then sink.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15