Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Strange forum glitch?
How did it happened;

While writing response to the hazelbud's inquiry when I pressed submit I got the ''wait x sec to replay bla bla bla'', although it was my first time to press the button. So I waited and pressed again. And some kind of time travel happened.


Check the design event page also:

P.S. It seams I'm still trapped in some strange time-space continuum loop. XD
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 19, 2012 at 05:59 PM.
My forums all jacked up aswell , I was posting in the [Tint] board and it shows my post as being before other peoples post.... Kinda annoying. There is only one conclusion to be made.


Kinda glad to hear its not just my computer.
Last edited by PredatorC; Mar 19, 2012 at 07:11 PM.
Team America|7th Dan|
Yeah, I made a thread and it didn't show up on the thread things but it hasn't been deleted
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
I believe what they did was reset the forum time. They normally do this once and a while and it causes the posts to get scrambled up.

The forums will eventually fix itself.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Originally Posted by SkulFuk
The forum has suffered a time paradox, all personal messaging shall resume normal service in around 5-6 hours, at which point we shall exit the vortex & rejoin the continuity flow.

Read the above quote.
I'm glad to know I'm not crazy. The other weird thing is if you double post, instead of merging your posts, it puts it after your own post.