Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Solved] Refund me please
When did the scam take place:24 hours ago.
Who scammed you:Sirss
How much tc was lost: 30.000toricredits.
The proof (In-game screenshots are a must):

Any other info:He pinged on 3rd fight but ping=lose so 3-0 i PM him and nothing back.Can you take from him 30k and send to my account?but don't ban

He is a scammer
When we dueled he had 66k on account now he made transfer and wanted to hide the man who he transfered money,Here you have his account history he made transfer because he don't want to send me my 30k Here he tryed to hide transfer
Also you can check Ipps of that 2 account and send money from that acc on which were transfered 66k also it's his acc because he made a lot of transfer on it from beggining.

I trust you understand:>
All scam reports go in the Scam Reports board.

And you didn't really lose anything, so this isn't considered a scam.

Duel scams without using the command gives moderators the right to turn your case away, as they do not have any obligation to help you.
You didn't lose TC, so no, you will not get a refund.
He will be banned at best (considering this, and all the other reports on him).

PM a Gamemaster about this.
Last edited by firebolty; Mar 22, 2012 at 09:41 PM.
You will not be sent 30k as you didn't lose anything.

I suggest you read my post again.

Well, it appears as though you've already made a thread in the Scam Reports board a day ago:

Closed - be patient and wait for them to help you.
Last edited by firebolty; Mar 22, 2012 at 09:45 PM.
Originally Posted by Zus View Post
k i will wait

Which is exactly what you did not do...

It is so annoying when you tell someone to do one thing and the go off onto a whole different path. Be patient. It is being dealt with.