Original Post
[Art]Quick magazine about myself

not certain why the spreads aren't working, perhaps is fucking me backwards.
Little project, a zine about myself.

Tools used:

Model: Me
Photographers: Me, my ex and a friend.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I agree, MOAR colors!

But interesting learning about you I hope you end up doing what you want to do : P
Did you cross off the "spreads" option while exporting as a high quality print? And set the compatibility to adobe blabla 08-09? (Top right corner, while exporting)

I use in-design myself, and always get good quality pdf's with spreads.

I like the design btw, looks modern, goof balance and the choice of color is great.

Edit: But the font is quite dark, if you were going to print it out, be sure to check it in "SMYK" and not in "RGB" the color will be like 5times darker if you print it out...

Edit: Bwaha.
Last edited by Fenris; Mar 25, 2012 at 04:17 PM.
Yeah I edited the colors.
First print was too dark even though I used CMYK (thanks for the advice, but it's pretty obvious to use CMYK for print..)
I personally set the compatibility to Adobe 7 mainly because not all printers support higher.
Will figure out how to do the spreads right on the online view thingy.

Thanks for the comments.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
It might be obvious, but lots of people don't even know what "CMYK" is...I found out like a year ago :/

Should look like this if you use a High Quality Pdf Print preset, no?

The spreads option is right there... If you have it crossed and still don't get spreads i can't see any other reason than compatibility probs :/


Last edited by Fenris; Mar 25, 2012 at 11:03 PM. Reason: Re-formulation
I'll give it a go!
Busy with another little booklet at the moment.

Last minute work.. Last fucking minute work..
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.