Bloodline Champions... AGAIN!
Guys, srs! If you live in Europe (or can handle some lag), go download Bloodline Champions!
Our clan on there, Cydonia, needs more active members, and it'd be great fun to be able to play with people that aren't strangers (apart from Moogle and ZzzleapyGuy). Give it a shot at least, k? :3 I'll make sure to lurk these forums and add you to the clan whenever you're on.
//Kraetyz, nab player and the Red Rager
SO WHAT IS BLOODLINE CHAMPIONS? Basically, it's a mix of MOBA and FPS games, very much like ye olde Warcraft mod "Warlock". You have a roster of champions (currently 25) which you can choose to play as. Each champions has a huge bunch of abilities (both mouse clicks, Q, E, R, Space, F, plus two powered up abilities out of some of those) which are only kept track of through cooldown. No mana system here, no sir-e! There is an energy system, though, which allows you to use your Ultimate once in a while. You control your little champ with WASD, seeing the game from a top-down perspective as you run around, aiming like a baller and shooting shadow bolts and huge machine guns all over the place. Also, try to kill the enemy before they kill you. That's what you want to be doing.
It's fun. So go fuck yourself if you don't at least try it.