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Allergy against cold
Hello everyone. I thought id tell you about a disease/allergy i have. It is quite rare, i think, and makes me react to cold. How it works is, when i exercise(or any activity that makes my body warm) when its cold, i start getting rashes everywhere, and they itch like hell. My mouth also starts producing alot of saliva, and it gets a little harder to breath. Last i get nauseas(spelling). This is most noticable when i go swimming.

My question is: Does anyone else have this allergy/disease, and is there medicine/cure for this? Its so damn annoying and uncomfortable.

Thanks for reading, jaow
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Also: Ponies, cotton candy and rainbows!
This is the first time I hear about such a case.
Are you sure it's not the specific clothing you wear when you're cold?

By the way, it's 'ciao', not 'jaow'.
It is not my clothing, i am sure.

Fyi i didnt want to write ciao
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Also: Ponies, cotton candy and rainbows!
well, you can't be allergic to change in temperature

vvvv he's having the same thing happen when it gets hot
Last edited by siku; Apr 4, 2012 at 09:49 PM.