Secret Santa 2024
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How to make money?
Every game I win, I get 10 ToriCredits. How the hell am I supposed to make 260000 TC just to get a force color? Is there a way to make more money?
Well the main ways to make money is to bet in servers with the money you have earned. Do tournies hosted by gms. Ingame tournies that give you 500tc if you win. If you can do art, maybe you could make a shop in Art/Textures and sell your artwork to other players. Lastly there is buying your tc from forum users that sell it.
I'm back :)
These are basically all the ways to make tc:

- Dueling
- Betting
- Marketting
- Texture making
- Buying with USD or whatever your currency is
- winning 500 tc tourneys
- winning GMtournies
- Playing in official servers

Dueling is the fastest way to make tc, but be warned it is only for skilled players and not recommended for beginners. Betting is another quick way but more often that not you're going to loose more bets than you win. GM's host betting servers than you can join where people bet pretty big amounts. Marketing is the way to generate the most tc over time. It requires knowledge of the market and anyone will tell you buy low sell high. Texture making takes hours and hours and hours to learn. Then more hours to make good high quality textures. There are all sorts of texturing tutorials around the forum one of which can be found here and here. Nextly, there is buying Tc with USD, the normal rate is around 10k/USD. Ask your parents first though, and most people accept the money over paypal. GMtournies are hosted by the GMs and when winning you receive a random prize, sometimes worth it and more often than not, it isn't worth it. The rest is pretty much straight forward.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Win alot of tourneys, duels, and betting. But i'm sure you can sell a neat set for 50k if it looks really worth it, but if you're a rich bum you can always just buy TCs with paypal or anyway.
Buying TC will just reduce your ACTUAL money. The fun way is to haggle with marketeers for some items and resell it at a higher price.
For textures, if you want to know how much does your art worth you can ask it at the Price Check Megathread thread, or do what I told you before.... haggle for a texture/win an auction and sell it at a higher price.

Dueling, tourneys, etc used ingame skills which you need to master.
Betting is all about luck, once your side lose, you will lose the TC that you bet.

Another way is to win events or do art requests. With that, you will know how much/what you will get if you win the request/event.

The key of getting money fair and square is to be patient.
Good luck.
Last edited by jokerstein; Apr 19, 2012 at 01:59 AM.
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
Yeah, also i see you're plannng to buy an expensive force colour. First of all, there is cheaper ones, i recommend marine or orc for beginners. Also, some items require something called QI. QI is based on how many games you've played.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore