Interesting proposal, however I think I'd have to disagree. In a dream state the environment reacts differently than real life - most objects you can *pass* through. It is based on this that reality-checks play on to get you to realise it's a dream, the same reality checks don't work in our currently environmental, that's actually the point of them. My next point is that of food, if we were constantly dreaming we'd need to eat and drink and sleep, but everything is dream food so even when we've eaten a lot of food in-dream you would expect to still feel hungry (assuming that some artificial method was being used to feed you) so yeah. I think if we were constantly dreaming, it'd fall apart because our mind couldn't (and can't) accept the warped reality of a dream-state.
Some people can accomplish said "reality checks" by natural talent, however, for most people it requires a good deal of practice. Practice to actually remember to do the reality checks while in your dream, that is.
We can't exactly be sure our realtiy isn't 'false,' but we can atleast usually tell if it is a dream or not. That narrows it down ;).
How does the need for food necessitate us to be awake? Possibly the need for food could be a rule set in place by whatever controls our constant dream.
What is a "reality check" and how does this allow us to know if this is a constant dream or not?
Some people can accomplish said "reality checks" by natural talent, however, for most people it requires a good deal of practice. Practice to actually remember to do the reality checks while in your dream, that is.
That's not exactly true, all a reality check is is forcing an occurrence of something that could only happen in a dream - these occurrences (such as tripping and falling through the floor) happen anyway, given enough time.
This article does a pretty decent job of defining a reality check and giving a few examples:
Strange things happen all the time in dreams, and they are generally accepted as normal while you are dreaming. If you trip and fall through the floor, your thought process may be something like "Man, that was close," then you brush it off. You would only realize how strange it is after the fact. This is why it usually requires some practice, to most people, to actually recognize when something strange has happened.
This article does a pretty decent job of defining a reality check and giving a few examples:
Strange things happen all the time in dreams, and they are generally accepted as normal while you are dreaming. If you trip and fall through the floor, your thought process may be something like "Man, that was close," then you brush it off. You would only realize how strange it is after the fact. This is why it usually requires some practice, to most people, to actually recognize when something strange has happened.