NOTE: Some of the spinnies lost their qualities, idk why.
Artist: Armin0
Size: 100x
Price: Offer
Artist: iZey
Size: 512x512
Recolor: yes, for an additional fee of 200.
Price: 2k
Alien Head
Artist: Lwafflez and Aerox21
Size: 512x512
Recolor: No
Price: 20.5k
Visor Lights
Artist: Lololerz
Size: 512x512
Note: There are 2 versions of these head, you may pick which one that you want, or both.
Recolor: No, but there is already a recolored version.
Price: 5k
All prices are haggleable.
Accepting TC and Items as payment
Best of luck to you all.
no sorry, i suck at art (includes recoloring), but if i can i would... BUT there is a recolored version of robo templar, the pink thingy(eyes) changed to white, the azurite thingy to black, and the purple thingy to quicksilver