Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Serious Help Needed!
Hey guys sometimes I need to force myself to wake up because sometimes my eyes open up a little when I'm sleeping and I'm trying to wake up so I have to keep trying to move a limb to wake up this happened a lot of times and it happened this morning and after I forced myself to wake up I had a migrate and I still do anyone can help me or give me suggestions of what to do?
and I know why I had a migrate because your whole body moves from your brain and if I'm trying to force it to move it messes with my brain.
okay seriously

Originally Posted by iPirateGuy View Post
Hey guys sometimes I need to force myself to wake up because sometimes my eyes open up a little when I'm sleeping and I'm trying to wake up so I have to keep trying to move a limb to wake up this happened a lot of times and it happened this morning and after I forced myself to wake up I had a migrate and I still do anyone can help me or give me suggestions of what to do?

It's called having a night cramp...? I really have no idea what you just said, best I can tell you is that you should seriously stop working out at night.

and I know why I had a migrate because your whole body moves from your brain and if I'm trying to force it to move it messes with my brain.

Fucking what. You are not an omnipotent being moving your body like a fucking marionette, you are a brain, and your body can only move through a command coming through your brain, aka you.

On an unrelated note, what the fuck is a migrate.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
I'm guessing he mean migrane.

And I'm sure your conclusion of "trying to force your body to move hurts your brain" is terribly off key. See a doctor.
Originally Posted by Zinx View Post
See a doctor.

As you can see, we're not qualified to diagnose this. Your symptoms are vague, and descriptions tough on the eye. Moving to off-topic and closing.
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Originally Posted by iPirateGuy View Post
Hey guys sometimes I need to force myself to wake up because sometimes my eyes open up a little when I'm sleeping and I'm trying to wake up so I have to keep trying to move a limb to wake up this happened a lot of times and it happened this morning and after I forced myself to wake up I had a migrate and I still do anyone can help me or give me suggestions of what to do?
and I know why I had a migrate because your whole body moves from your brain and if I'm trying to force it to move it messes with my brain.

Go see a doctor.
jirado no viraya
Please don't come to us for medical help or diagnosis. None of us are (as far as I know) qualified to give you advice. People go to university for years and study more after that just to be doctors to help you with this sort of thing. Please utilize their service.