IGN's Great Gaming Survey 2012 - Thoughts
(Acesonnall here)
Introduction (Taken from the survey): Video games. We love them, and so do you. But who is today's gamer? What defines you and what makes you tick? The old stereotypes aren't true anymore (were they ever?), and we don't want to speak for you, so now's your chance to tell us. Who the heck are you, people? What do you want from a next-gen console, do you prefer downloading games or would you rather visit your local game shop, and how often do you buy games? What's your mobile gaming platform of choice, your most-played genre, your must-have snacks and what do you do when you're not playing games? Now's your chance to speak up and tell the world who you really are. Welcome to the Great Gaming Survey, during which IGN will compile tens of thousands of responses into concrete data to accurately tell the story of the modern gamer, how you behave and what you're really thinking, in 2012.
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First off, I encourage all of you to take this survey so we can get the most accurate of depictions. I warn you though, it is pretty long and when you click the "Continue" button, it doesn't reset the page back to the top so you have to scroll up (lol).
Things I noticed:
- This survey is heavily focused on console and moble platforms, leaving much of the survey useless for a gamers that primarily plays on PC (though I own a Wii as well and am a fan of Nintendo so it's not much of an issue for me)
- There is lack of 'this is not applicable to me' options as answers to a number of questions, forcing some to not answer the question at all or answer it randomly (e.g. any question that focused solely on moble platforms).
- Some questions are difficult to answer due to lack of context and/or the answer would vary depending on the situation (e.g. contraversal topics section).
- On the 'what keeps you from buying used games' question: there was no answer reflecting 'I don't trust the condition of said used games' because that's the real reason why I don't buy used games (Not really because I support the developer or because I like the new smell [I chose that option])
So go on and take the survey and tell me what you think.
Last edited by YallSuck; Apr 17, 2012 at 03:28 AM.