April 20th is a very special day, april 20th was the day in which a tornado killed hundreds of people in both Alabama and Mississippi, april 20th was also the day Soviet troops entered entered berlin which triggered the Cold War and almost led to the nuclear destruction of this entire nation, once again april 20th is a day in which 100 German bombers entered athens and obliterated the city. This is also the day Hitler was born and In 1914 on this day, 19 men, women, and children died in the Ludlow Massacre during a Colorado coal-miner's strike.
In 1999 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kill 13 people and injure 24 others before committing suicide at Columbine High School in Jefferson County, Colorado. In 2010 The Deepwater Horizon oil well exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing twelve workers and beginning an oil spill that would last six months. Yet I can't find one event symbolizing anything that should be celebrated, so stop, please.