Original Post
[s] Dog Tags
Basically, I will be making these dog tag signatures, like seen in my signature.


Each one costs different for each size, color, or text. Just follow this format:

Amount willing to pay:
First costumer

I wan't 2.

Size: 300x100
Text: ToaZuku
Colors?: Black , White and Raider. (dark blue)
Amount willing to pay: 500 tc.

Size: Like your's
Text: Ties
Colors?: Black , White and Raider. (dark blue)
Amount willing to pay: 500 tc.
i want 2

1. like yours one
2. 1st "DOA" 2nd "USB"
3. match to my avvy
4. 130 tc each, and much love <3

[s] [tgs] [w] [dp]
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
I want 1

Size: 100x100
Text: chamz
Colors?: red and black
Amount willing to pay: 500tc (i dont have yet but i will be earning it ASAP)
Can I have one that says ARACOON and have it be extra long? ;O big enough to fit a large majority of my siggy? [1.2k]?