Standalone Mod Editor + Previewer *
A program that reads mod files, draws them into a 3D world (As primitive/advanced as the programmer can manage) and allows editting. (I'm not sure if it would be in-world editting, or text editting.. We'll see.) Aditionally, a preview button would help.. As far as I know, there's no quick-launch parameters for Toribash to automatically to run a mod, so a better idea would be to make it compile a basic replay with the mod loaded, then launch Toribash with that replay.
* - Standalone project
* - Integrated into Toribash
So uh, AgentJ PMed me on IRC to tell me "the Brotherhood" is taking over any projects not already taken by one of the developers. I don't care, 'cause I got enough projects as is, but if anyone else is working on one of these, tell me.