And it comes to this...
I'm handing the control of the clan to you guys.
Apologies doesn't seem to be appropriate for this action. I feel that this is just a phase of any relationship...
As you know, I didn't do the recruiting for a majority of our members, so I can't quality check them... In fact, I went to servers to play and I see a [Freeze] tag on people only to find out they were recruited recently. I don't really know who most of the people in the clan are. It's because of this, I fear that we have recruited people with hard to manage personalities.
The original goal was to make a group of friends to share good times with. Somehow It was warped into "making a group to kick everybody's butt". I'm for kicking heiney myself, but that's not what a clan is. That is what a Klan is. (Hehe, white supremacist joke)
Second..... I am not leader material... I've been putting off leading since day one. Which is why I made Splunker leader... which in retrospect, wasn't such a good idea.
But I have a strong feeling that you can handle things... with people like Powelly and Kotten handling administrative duties.
I wanted to end the story of me like an old sea salt sinking with the rest of the ship, but.. I guess I'm not really capable of that.
See you all in game, in forum and someday in real life.
Friends till the end. But it's the end of me as [Freeze]avwave.