Okay, the problem I have with this topic is that if you speak against anything gays do (Politely) in a topic like this, you're usually viewed as a dick. To prevent this and to actually further debate. Please read the following.
With that
OP: Christianity does not deny them human rights and you're a FOOL to even make such claims without even actually knowing for yourself. Just because you have other Christian hating people out there doesn't mean it's okay because they're a lot more wrong than you think (Making you wrong). The bible (I'm a Christian who actually knows why I'm a Christian, the complete opposite of a "Chirstfag") speaks against gay marriage and that's it, pointing out that it should be between a man and a women many times. However, an smarter Christian would know that despite the differences between you and others, you're supposed to show compassion, love, and forgiveness (But don't go around saying "God bless your heart for being Gay, god will cure you!". Never say that). God says to love your enemies. Your enemies aren't narrowed down to your average foe, but people you typically agree with.
Any Christian who wants anyone dead, who hates anyone, or who covets what another has (In the sense that one may dislike gays because they steal the potential of you being able to with the male/female you wanted to) is
completely and utterly impaired and should go refresh their relationship with God.
Going more on topic, you think the main reason why people don't accept gays gay acts is because Christians don't agree with it? Dead wrong. While that is one of the prominent reasons, Christians aren't the problem.
The fact that people have sacred and MORAL standings is the problem.
Look at it like this. It's not really fair that people have to be forced to amend their moral standards to accept something they originally didn't agree with. One may bring up the argument that it doesn't effect the person or their family. This is however not true, while it may not effect every day life (As it's not like gays aren't allowed to kiss in public) it does effect people emotionally and spiritually as for those who are in religions, it's against "the rules" and for those who aren't in religions, they feel as if it's disturbing and not correct as
penis plus penis does not equal baby. In argument to one could bring up the fact that gays can adopt or go to a sperm bank. Essentially, gays and gay supporters win that argument except for the fact that a child may not want to go with the homosexual parent because they are homosexual.
Another argument is that "It's not fair for people be forced to accept us? Well it's not fair for us to not have any rights! How would you like it if you didn't have any marriage right?"
This is one of those tricky arguments where those against gay marriage are often criticized for. However, this argument all depends on how society view gays (Yes, no argument can solve this as this is a personal argument). According to
a gallup poll (One of the most support polls worldwide), half of Americans Support Legal Gay Marriage. This is is a 3% drop from last year as 53% percent of Americans used to support gay marriage. So as long as this number continues to go down, you know people don't recognize gay marriage as a right because they still haven't got passed the part that gays aren't normal (This is me disputing their thinking) and as long as the number goes up, you know it'll be legalized.
An additional argument in support of gays is usually asked in the form of a question and that is as follows: Yea, support for gay marriage may not be high, but how do you think blacks in America got their human rights? By never giving up!
Exactly! Honestly, NOBODY can define this world. This world is shaped by human thought and action. As long as gays and gay supporters keep pushing and don't change their views/sexuality, then you may succeed. The main problem I have with gays pushing for rights is their approach. This may or may not be the minority or majority, but of all I've seen and encountered, a lot of these people are rude about it and often become extremely aggressive on the sole basis of a person not being sure whether to support it or in the case of the OP, a person who doesn't support it.
Gay supporters: This issue is a informational issue. If you can get people to "See the light" in this debate politely (Provided they are also calm) and effectively (Winning the debate by actually proving them wrong in all areas), but also with assertion, you win. You democratically win.
Another argument opposing gay marriage is often one noted as ridiculous, but it's stated as: We are a society becoming tolerant of everything we do and are losing our sacred values. We are exploiting little girls on television and generally treating them as if they were adults (I.E Toddlers in Tiaras) rather making them actually have a childhood, children's TV networks are allowing more violence into their shows than ever before, and now we've allowing people to do such "strange" things as getting married to the opposite sex? Are we going to define marriage next as "Any person or groups of people who love and cherish each other?"
While it may sound ridiculous to some in the sense that "Are you serious? Of course that wouldn't happen.", but in refutation, one could just spit back "Well, look at gays. The majority of us used to oppose that and now we "apparently see the light"."
TL;dr? Then you're likely ignorant and you should just leave this discussion all together for that, but if you actually didn't have time, then read below.
So, what's my opinion? I think it'll be legalized sooner or later.
The point of this post was to provide further analysis and to bring this argument on the right track. As a reminder (I stated this in the post as a point), if you are going to argue anything effectively, refrain from rude or ignorant comments. How do you know if it's an ignorant comment? Well if you can't support it, then it's ignorant.
Last edited by Acesonnall; May 13, 2012 at 02:10 AM.