Alright then Peeps, looks like we're back, and with a shiny new clan tag~!
Please don't be morally offended if I forgot to send you an invite, I have not slept in a while I'm afraid.
If I did forget you, kindly yell "What the f*ck Wolf, don't you love me anymore" and me and I shall get right to fixing the issue.
Love you all.
Rules, remind me if I missed one, doing it of by memory coz they last list got deleted, again.
1. As a member of raku, you represent raku. As such we ask that you be kind and considerate (As well as non spammish) when talking anywhere on the forums and ingame.
2.All posts in the raku board must contain three words or more and remain on topic; unless specified otherwise.
3.raku is spelt raku. There is no capital in the name raku for it changes the meaning of the word. Remember, here at raku we are not capitalists, so don't capitalize raku!
4. Get along, really it's not that hard people; and it makes things so much better. If there is conflict you're instructed to contact me and we can sort it out.
5. Brownie points for correct grammar and spelling. It's really not that hard.
Last edited by XWOLFz; May 19, 2012 at 10:34 AM.