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First boomhit?
So I wanted to know if this was a boomhit , is my best relays o far so yeah...
CnC so I get better etc.
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Dax - The world ends....rpl (165.0 KB, 28 views)
Erth Moderated Message:
I'll leave this here as a reminder, but 1 word posts aren't tolerated anywhere on the forums (generally), and here specifically, a more in depth comment on the replay is required. Please can no-one do this again, or your posts will be deleted or even infracted.
Last edited by Erth; Jun 1, 2012 at 08:45 PM.
Testicles, that is all.
The replay was very stiff over all and pretty grabby. It would be better to have some more flow to it and relaxation. The spilt cap was goodish and then a random dm. The boomhit was sorta a boom hit, the kick dmed one joint and then you moved another to get rid of the rest of the joints. So technically you didn't get a boom hit because you didn't get all the dms untll you pulled down with your arm, but technically yes because there was 4 dms in the kick pull thing. The stiffness in the boom kick made it look slopy too.


P.S. It was the grabbing of the arm that made the other 3 dms, I checked when I edited the replay to see.
Last edited by Nolanrules; Jun 1, 2012 at 12:48 PM.
The replay was very good but, some of the kicks made it look a bit sloppy try to make them look like your going all the way through, I was bored so I made an edited version of this for the lolz
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