Originally Posted by
Oh now I get it.
So let's say that this pc's GFX card wasn't enough and I bought a better one, can I get them to work together at once ?
It's not that simple, All the series are based on different gpu architecture, let's say the ati 5000 series are pretty much different to the ati 6000 series, you can't mix them at all. But there are also differences in the series themselves which means you can't pair up a 6970 with a 6870 for crossfire(thats the name of the usage of 2 cards at a time), because they are different. But you can pair up a 6950 with a 6970 for example, but the 6970 will go on lower clocks (according to the 6950), for optimising themselves, and to run on the same speed.
This also goes for the Nvidia side, I am not sure about the series there, and I'm not familiar with the cards.
On the memory side, as I said dont bother with it as long as you don't want 2 monitors at a time, or even more.
1GB is fine imo, but it doesn't work as the RAM modules. It is not like I buy 4+4 GB then I have 8GB. Just no, it works different here, The textures in the 1GB Vram can be utilized by the GPU, if you buy an
another card, that has 1GB too, the
another GPU utilizes its ram, which has to be loaded onto that card too. So basically you have the same stuff twice, and it doesn't make your Vram 2GB(physically it is 2gb, but they just mirror each other). Let's say you buy a 1GB card and a 2GB one, the 2GB one would utilize 2gigs of textures, and other stuff, but the 1GB one can only use 1gigs of storage, and since they have to work together, the 2GB one will get limited to 1GB, because the other card just can't handle more textures.
Back on the Crossfire part, here is a chart what you might find useful(which card goes with which):
The newest cards aren't included, but they are pretty expensive, so you wouldn't need them I guess.
Originally Posted by
My PC specs are:
4 gb RAM
1 gb VRAM
3.1 ghz processor ( dual-core )
and a free 32 bit version of Windows 7
Bought that PC for a bit under 450 bucks.
And also I got a 1920x1020 LED monitor (23 inch) for around 230-ish price.
All this robbed me of a total of 670$.
I guess you can get even a more improved machine for a thousand bucks, which is the better thing to do in my opinion.
PS NEVER buy ATI video cards. Nvidia's products perform much better.
Those specs aren't useful
Which video card, which processor, and hell... why are you using 32 bit op. system on dual core?
And please tell me, why not to buy ATI products? Just tell me one reason, and I'll tell you two why not to buy Nvidia.
Basically ATI comes up with the faster cards before Nvidia does, so Nvidia can counter on them with a faster one, and then vice versa.This is what always happened, and will go on in the future. Both Companies have pros and contras.Both companies have their fans, and haters (see the post above this one)
I personally don't like Nvidia because they grab all the things what they can make money with (for example physx).