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[Solved] I NEED HELP
all the time i duel i lose i just get dq'd or lose by points can some one tell me some better openers i had tc now just lost it please some times im in a position which i just cant move but then i just press random i move out and lose that happens when ppl just space out can some one give me some better tips please i will be greatfull:i was saving up for a set and lost the hole lot bets and duels i had enough and caput
Here's my suggest, this is my type I don't know if this one works for you. in Big dojo, the dojo is huge so attacking move is more useful than counters. And in aikido you should make a move of counter, you should prepare your self to counter your enemy attack, cause the dojo is small so you can grab him and throw him out of the ring. That's my gameplay
Yeah close this thread I think you just got what you want, to close it click thread tools and click perform action, have a nice practice