Original Post
Since itachi1002 has been kicked, we need a new bouncer.

Who wants to apply? after I get the names, I'll set up a poll to decide who's going to be the bouncer.

Post why you want to be a bouncer and why other people should pick you instead of others.
[A L P H A]
I'd like to be a bouncer because, well I'd like the ability to test people without having to hunt 2 bouncers/djs/leaders/co-leaders down. I'm generally pretty active in the unce forums and in game and... er yeah
I'd like to be bouncer. Arg, I really don't like writing these "I feel that I'm fit for the job because..." speeches, but here it goes. I play a lot IMO. I'm on wushu, TK, sambo, you name it. I see a lot of clanless people who can have a place in UNCE. I'm really active on the clan forum, and thats about it.
We'll still have a poll, and I think srrwb's been doing well these days, as well as friedrice. Isn't t there 2 spots for bouncers anyways?
[A L P H A]
oh yeah....then i think zimpy should be the second bouncer...
sorry srrwb, but i think its too haste to put you in this position

edit: i'll review the members and decide who gets in the poll.