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Clan Textures
I think that for a little more toricredits clans should be able to make a texture and then people in the clan should get that same one. first of all it looks so cool. and second of all its alot easier then every single person buying a texture.

Im just saying you should make an option that makes it so a clan leader can buy meh like 10, 20, 30 at a time and give them a discount for buying giant bundles but its mostly so clans are really clans. I clan NEEDS to be united and with a clan textures they will really be united.

Please vote (sorry for not making i poll but i want to know why they voted for this).
This is an interesting idea. Kind of like how you can buy a thousand bars of ice cream for less money if you buy them all at one time, because like srsly who's gonna do that.
The thing is though, what happens to the people who have already bought a texture on their own? Maybe if it was set up to only the one standard clan texture...but then members couldn't use the ones they'd already bought.
Also, if I'm not mistaken, somebody had suggested this on IRC not too long ago.
I am me.

Originally Posted by WarHero
<War> freedom is lame

Like a guild tabard from WoW :o

That's a pretty nice idea. You could actually have it be a different item.

Like, the clan leader pays X credits for the template, and then he can upload whatever design he wants.

Then, his clan underlings can purchase a cheap thing, that only allows them to display the texture the leader has uploaded.
Ooh, the guild tabards. Hadn't thought about that.
Yeah, that little space near the abs isn't taken, although there's also talk of using that to denote belts and such.
i rly love this idea!
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
Originally Posted by Delaid View Post
Yeah, that little space near the abs isn't taken, although there's also talk of using that to denote belts and such.

There's been talk about that since belts came into existance >.> If it was gonna happen, I think it would have happened already.
Hmm thats good, a texture item oly for clan as in Clan Texture it's like 50k for 10 and like 100k for 30 or something and i can only be traded by leaders of clans, as in you know how on your Clan Information thing how it has (leader) that should be able to recognize you as a leader. D:

~ Vlatko
\.\.\.\3rd DanBlackBelt/./././
Vvvvlatkos back ;D!!