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[Art] Gallery of Hacks!
Welcome to the gallery of Hacks!

Please be patient, all of my uploads will be scrolling below!

All new drawings can be found on or near the last page!

Please visit my DeviantArt page for more uploads(And more sexual content :D)

PS, the pictures get better as they scroll by. The first ones are the newest ones, last ones are the more recent. Enjoy!

I decided to make a step by step with how I draw!

step by step

Hope you liked it ;p

Last edited by Hacks; Jun 23, 2014 at 05:31 PM.
I've been a follower of mark crilley. He's a 'pretty well known' manga drawer in the US. From Lansing, Michigan. I live not to far from him. He put out a how to draw manga book a while back, and he's really known for his tutorials on how to draw on Youtube. I've been learning and watching him for the last 5 years. I've been a follower, and a dedicated fan. I've been talking with him on sitting down and meeting him IRL.
He's a friend of mine on my facebook and he helps me a lot when I have troubles drawing. Look him up!
the eyes on most of the characters seem a bit too high up, and i really don't reccomend drawing manga at all (where's the creativity in that??)

all in all, 7/10
Looks pretty good, only thing I see that's "flawed" are the noses on the two, older "kids".
I believe, it's Ash and May?

The noses are a bit awkward. Also, on some of the fingers, they look a bit too pointy and unrealistic. All in all though, it's a really nice drawing.

[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Originally Posted by MocroGunz View Post
Looks pretty good, only thing I see that's "flawed" are the noses on the two, older "kids".
I believe, it's Ash and May?

The noses are a bit awkward. Also, on some of the fingers, they look a bit too pointy and unrealistic. All in all though, it's a really nice drawing.


Thank you for the comment! I really wanted someone to clearly give me a through and through of what I drew.
And yes, I know the noses/fingers a little bad, I'm not the best at doing it, let alone locking hands with a younger child. I'm also not that good at shading period, this was the first drawing that I sat down and shaded good. I'm also not good at trying to define the noses with shading, I'll work on it! And yes, it's ash and may

And thanks again for the comment!
I noticed that Ash's rigth arm has a sleeve and his left one does not, or I'm just seeing things?
Do you really think you're in control
I think you should had, because usually your sleeve doesn't go into your pockets.
That was really one of the few flaws I found, great drawing.
You should do more of them.
Do you really think you're in control
Funny you should mention, I've actually been working on one. I should have it by tomorrow night or morning!

And I don't want to mess with the other image, it would be to much trouble going through and erasing/trying to edit without smearing any of it. And since it's shaded with other things around it, it would just mess it up. I like it either way ;)


Now that the forums are a little time crazy, and everything's screwed up. I'll put the picture I was drawing last night up now.

New one

And please, if you haven't already, follow me on my deviantart!! I could really use some followers to get my name out there ;)
Last edited by Hacks; Jun 23, 2012 at 06:01 PM.