Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Extreme-Code of Conduct
  • Don't break forum rules
  • No racism, spam, flaming, or using a thread not for it's purpose
  • No messing around
  • Free-Will is essential, but you can't just leave w/o a reason
  • Show respect for anyone, leader or not.
  • Don't say sh*t in-game or on forums and ruin our reputation
  • Don't suddenly turn inactive without a valid reason

Follow these, or you will receive a strike, three strikes and you're out.
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

I have a question... If strikes are given, can they be redeemed? Like if someone has a bad week and ends up with 2 strikes then is blatantly repentant of their actions is there anyway they can make their way down to 0 strikes again?
I'm so noob, I press C twice
Proud member of [Extreme]
Agreed psycho. We should give it a month for the system to reset again. If during that month you don't reach the third strike, then you'll be reset back to 0.
(Link, keep track of the system and who has the points through this thread)
☼Extreme til the end☼
Kam | Tsukiomi l Pickaxecut l BamBam69 l Linkhunter l Cozzakill | DjPz
Can everyone get a strike (yes I know this is a stupid question)?
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
He is the 2nd leader
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Originally Posted by linkhunter View Post
He is the 2nd leader

Does the co-leader get any of this freedom the other leaders get? .-.
☼Extreme til the end☼
Kam | Tsukiomi l Pickaxecut l BamBam69 l Linkhunter l Cozzakill | DjPz
Lemme think that over
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?