Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
NearlyDead's Tricking thread.
It has one other replay, though.
they're meh.
Attached Files
Nearly- Hiss alternate pose2.rpl (136.8 KB, 63 views)
Nearly-Blip.rpl (82.0 KB, 31 views)
wow that
Nice replays, on the spar uke looks like he's in a good pose for a flip.
Your replays lack realism though so 8/10
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
I feel better about this one, but I still don't like it a whole lot..
Attached Files
Last edited by Nearly; Jul 4, 2012 at 07:34 AM.
wow that
I say Nearly, you've gotten better at making replays. Better than me, actually. You're more of a 30.00 gravity guy while I'm the 9.82 grav scrub. I will always, sadly, be forever in your shadow, looking up to you.
Also, I didn't know you quit Hunters. Why?
Last edited by HuskyDQ; Jul 4, 2012 at 04:13 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[Hunters], [RSO], and [Anime United]! I AM BACK FROM HIATUS
That first jump and kick was pretty sexy. You got a little too low with the landing, though. The position was a bit derpy. Also, hold your neck. You were flopping around like a dead chicken.

Don't be afraid to stand still now and then. You noticed in my spar with D3m0nz that I punched and stood still and it didn't look bad (in my opinion.) If you need to just get yourself steadied or if you get a good, solid hit, it's okay to hold your legs so you don't continue rotating.

Good replay, you're a lot better than I expected.