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Aquarium keeping :D
I wanted to know who on Toribash has an aquarium(s) if you do then tell us about (it/them) as in size of tank, fish, decoration, filters. I'll start :P

10 Gallon Tank
A couple of Artificial plants and a waterfall cave
4 Western Mosquito fish
1 Neon Tetra

55 Gallon tank
1 big fake driftwood thing
3 fake plants (gonna get some live ones in a month)
3 Rope fish / Reed fish
1 Clown Loach
2 Gold Gouramis
a Magnum 350 canister filter worth $200 dollars :O

For my 55 gallon tank im going to get more fishy s and live plant after vacation

Oh and im sorry if this is on the wrong board if it is then move plz
Last edited by Madgecko11; Jun 11, 2008 at 03:24 AM.
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Well, I'm considering building a computer in one and filling it with mineral oil >.>

I had a tiny aquarium long ago. The fish in it died after about a week, so I guess I did something wrong.
»You just wasted 5 seconds of your life. Congratulations!«
[m] - 2/29/2008 - Never Forget
well not gold fish or other cheap things but bigger more expensive fish will like recognize you and be happy when you walk in they are also relaxing :P
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Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Lol you fail at keeping fish alive.

I see no point in having fish they dont do anything...

Lets look at a bigger picture? Humans don't really do anything do they? Except make useless, and hardly on topic posts!

I had fish. I always won them at my school carnival. Of course you can imagine the hell they went through so they lasted at tops a year. It was like a 3 gallon tank with goldfish. I had some fake plants, awesome blue colored rocks (:0) a plastic sheet in the back to try to make the tank look huge, and a watter bubbler in the shape of a treasure chest!
Put some triops in there, they keep the tank clean because they eat the goo and algae on the tankwalls.
Yeah, god dammit Pirate. Add more triops.

Wtf where you thinking?
»You just wasted 5 seconds of your life. Congratulations!«
[m] - 2/29/2008 - Never Forget
I've never had a fish, but for the past 2 years in my school classes, they've had fishies. They always died though. q=o
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
about the triops the probably will get eaten gold fish are ravenous the ate inch long ghost shrimp and a THREE of my moms western mosquito fish, in general any fish will eat triops. but aside from that algae is a good thing in you aquarium it lowers harmful nitrate levels. Which is good seeing as too many nitrates can kill your fish.

also its recommended ALWAYS HAVE A FILTER
if you have one your fish are less likely to die but even so always do weekly 25% water changes because nitrates tend to build up and they cant be filtered out so yeah.... twice weekly with no filter
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