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[Tex] Anime Head WIP
I haven't done anime heads before, so I'd like some feedback. Especially on the shading - I'm not sure that works or not.
if you do not have a pen tablet,
work with path tool.

the eyes are not anime style,
you should look for references or a good tutorial.
Ears is a way too big, make it more like a real ear.
Hair is too short, it has to be longer and with sharper edges.

You have a lot to do before get good,
search for tutorials and practice.
it is wrong,
just use vector shading,
it is made of plain forms, not of gradients
Last edited by dengue; Jul 10, 2012 at 02:24 AM.
Thanks. I cleaned up the lines, redid the eyes and ears, and lowered the hairline in the back.Also, did a better nose. There's a lot of variations on anime eyes, is there a certain look everyone here expects?
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
bla bla

the eyes are not anime style,
bla bla

What did you mean by that? They were anime style.

Other than that you messed up the eyes now and the face is way too high, it's a decent head.
If you lower the face and ears, add some shades to the hair. It might even be a nice head.
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forgot the mapping completely,
thanks aerox21

lower the face, you should make it on the front part of this template.


the ears at the side part (right and left).

Detail the eyes with highlights and shadows of the eyebrows
make hair strips thinner and longer.

You can make random ear like this you already have, but shade it,
else, detail the ear a bit more, so we can see some interesting shading.

Examples of things


Last edited by dengue; Jul 9, 2012 at 11:15 PM.
work with the flow,
make long and thin strips,
it can work with large strips too.


look at the hair shading example


Last edited by dengue; Jul 10, 2012 at 01:49 AM.