Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Clan story
Infants was surfing the internet for new games as he does everyday and happen to come across Toribash. He came to me and Nordia the next day and began showing us things we at first considered funny in single player. As our knowledge of how to work the players grew we began to investigate multiplayer. Infants started playing a lot and created the clan ToCatchAPredator. I named myself cloogoo from an episode of South Park wiht the Harley Boys and was intrigued at how Infants had given himself a clan name. I convinced him to let me join and following me came Nordia. We stumbled our way around multiplayer looking pretty bad at first but began to understand the servers and the people in them. People began noticing our very long clan name and asking about it. For the lucky select few we would ask if they would like to join, but only a few accepted as we were not well known then. Thus TCAP was born and ever since we have been meeting people and getting tons of laughs.

Reference to "me" is Cloogoo, the old and original leader
the god