Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Recruiters, start recruiting

On the subject of recruiting, I has a new idea.

We should make it so that only one person tests in-game, but we have a poll so we can all decide on whether he or she is in the clan or not. Before we vote on the poll, we should look at his or her posts by going to his/her public profile and clicking on "all posts made by this user". This should give us an idea of what kind of person he/she is.

[A L P H A]
Alright, this is easy enough. It'll make some people feel like stalkers aswell
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
lulz we're stalkers xD

But doing this should give us a good indication on his/her maturity. And also whether or not they have been causing trouble. I was looking at the relax all board and apparently that's what they do.
[A L P H A]