Original Post
[S] My "Rape Face" head. 512x512
Ye, selling my so called "rape face" head, even though it's more of a super pissed off one...

Tc only, show me your offers.

It's recolorable.

Looking for about 10k.
Last edited by Fenris; Jul 20, 2012 at 11:13 AM.
*Bump a rump

As I've failed to mention while opening: This is recolorable.

Still looking for 10k though, this quality and effort won't go for less, and probably should go for more D=
can i see a recolor? and i will trade a head for it my head is worth around 20k its for size 512 too i want the hair platinum with vampire where the dark purple is. and skin to be the same
<hampa> tree what do you think about the new clan system?
<treestand> Garlic Bread.....Garlic Bread...
I'd really prefer Tc, as the first post says.

Dax: I won't do a rainbow recolor, but I can recolor to your pink color...
How's this?


The head is still available to higher bidders, as it isn't sold yet.. Just previewed in a different color.
erm i will pay TC but i want to see it recolor plz colors are in my first post ^
<hampa> tree what do you think about the new clan system?
<treestand> Garlic Bread.....Garlic Bread...


It's about who that pays the most now... But If Tree doesn't want it, it's your's Dax.