Original Post
Parkour flip using uke as a wall
demo settings (I've gone all the way up to 200 distance using the same exact move)
extend left hip and ankle
right rotate chest
contract right hip, knee and ankle

space x2
extend right hip and relax right knee
contract left hip, knee, ankle and abs
left rotate chest
space x1
extend right ankle(optional for faster spin)
space x1
contract right hip and knee

You are now in mid-air and its your choice of what to do though right rotating the chest again using spacex1 then holding the chest
you and now aligned to land on your toes but that is just one option

There is a replay of the following move attached
Attached Files
basicparkour.rpl (54.7 KB, 109 views)
01110111011010000110100101101100011001010010100000 10101000101000011110000010101100101011001010010011 11010010101000101000011110010010101100101011001010 010010100100111011
Re: Parkour flip using uke as a wall
That replay and the move is the most basic version of it. I made it as easy as possible to get more realistic looking you use a lot more limping
I have more version on the replay forum
01110111011010000110100101101100011001010010100000 10101000101000011110000010101100101011001010010011 11010010101000101000011110010010101100101011001010 010010100100111011