Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Pr0nes replays<3 :D

Hello guys,
and welcome to my replay thread, I am very glad you decided to view my replays <3.
I will be looking for C&C and ratings of course .

Anyway here are a few of replays i made hope you like them, and be sure to do some C&C .
Attached Files
Pr0ne- the solution.rpl (263.3 KB, 80 views)
Pr0ne - CT.rpl (141.9 KB, 49 views)
PUnCH HIM.rpl (620.9 KB, 43 views)
Pr0ne- skeet maybe.rpl (316.7 KB, 49 views)
Pr0ne- videos.rpl (149.8 KB, 38 views)
Last edited by PR0NE; Aug 10, 2012 at 03:04 AM.
The solution:
Cool opener and style, sexy.
Fine manip but the first hit just ruined all the flow and made you slow down.
Second hit could have been bigger and less messy but still it was good.
And the last hit just blew my mind, amazing punch-boom.
Skeet was really good too, could have been more powerful but still cool.
Nice skills there

*Requesting CnC
kick ass man 10/10
"Whats with the steering wheel in your pants?" "ARGH! It's driving me nuts!" Phantom Co-Leader!
I've already gave you CnC to the acrobat replay.

Other replay was awesome, opener felt kind of generic tho...
Boom was really good.
Rest of the replay was really nice and well done but the pose felt abit off and not holding.