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Who is your favorite Youtuber?
Whenever i'm on the internet I always end up going on Youtube to check out my subscriptions and even new videos. But my question to you is, who is your favorite Youtuber and why? If you can't decide on just one, feel free to list 1 or 2 more.

Because he's hilarious. Obviously.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
There is a couple, totalhalibut, jessecox, ashens, zoocdoesstuff.
But my favorite?
Probably JesseCox.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Originally Posted by shooter190 View Post
ChaoticMonki (Cry)

He's a humorous person with a good heart. He's my favorite LPer out of everyone.

Same here! Also, I just love his voice.
Yea, cry has a great voice, my only problem is that he doesn't play games I like.
My fav: SSoH/Seamus uploads lots of videos and chats with his friends while playing, I like that.
And pewdie pecause he's a total badass.
dreamy suicide act