Original Post
Selling everything in inventory!
It's a cheap inventory sale!
I'm selling absolutely everything, at low prices

Just recommend a price for an item you want, and we can work it out

ofc the texture items arent for sale :3
Last edited by IdiotForce; Jun 16, 2008 at 03:22 PM.
<Patriotz>: oshi I opened a torrent page and it was old lady pron D: (scared for life)
I just said textures arent for sale, and there 50k in shop so..yeh
<Patriotz>: oshi I opened a torrent page and it was old lady pron D: (scared for life)
what is the cheapest you sellin the amythest trails? i want them...
I Iz Teh Shizzle YAH!!! Um, no... not really