[R] A set, from drafts (30k->100k->∞?)
So, from paper to reality and beyond...
I have a draft from 1-2 years ago and i want it to be turned into reality.
Who might be up for the job?
- Someone with texturing experience,
- Someone who does not freak out when using the pentool,
- Someone with a bit of creativity,
- Someone who might go down in hall of fame for texturing,
- Someone with the guts to do so,
- And someone who deem themselve(s?) to be worthy.
The job is simple; Bring to reality what is on paper, and also on dropbox...
I myself have attempted to to do so, with results below my own expectation by far:
Ehrm, yeah, as you might have noticed, Pure crap.
So, Im willing to pay every TC I own, trade you most of my inventory, IF it meets my expectations, and no, Its a whole set, including the head.
At the moment i own no more than 100k tc.
So, the task is simple, and the path structured:
Provide me with a preview of the job done on the hand above,
If i believe that you might be fit for the job then you will receive the link for the full draft.
But let me warn you, the standard i am looking for lies in a mixture of what already exists. Its not something simple i ask of you, and correct me if im wrong, but a set of the quality i wish to achieve would be in the 300k-infinity range... But im broke.
So, its 512x512 thats being aimed for, 1024x1024 is recommended thou as it provides freedom for future modifications. If Vectorized...
Providing the file worked in is required,
as well as a short worklog/Wips to prove that YOU made the texture.
as well as a structured layer file, Eg a PSD or similar.
Okay, lets not get to carried away, these sets I adore:
and i must say that jebus aint that off either:
So, Get to work!
Any questions? Fire away in this thread.
Last edited by Smogard49; Aug 23, 2012 at 05:48 PM.