Original Post
[R] Avvy 5k
ok so i wanna request a pixel art avvy.
details including payment:

i want it to be a
1. Rose
2. Cow
3. Train
you can choose any

though first will be valued higher, second lower, and third lowest.

colors, up to you.
i want it to look awesome, with it's bg (also pixel art)
size must be 100x100, or other size that will automatically resize without any damage to the pic.
oh and, no stock pl0x.

since i am in a giving mood, i might raise the payment (if i love it)
mediocre = no raise.


you can make me an avvy of a bonsai!!! COS BONSAI HAS MAGIC POWAHS1!1!1!!!!!11


you can make me an avvy describing 'Radiant' or 'Radiance'
Last edited by Sage; Aug 27, 2012 at 04:04 PM.
Like a lie
ok toriabiz, looking forward to your work, and would you post wips?

blindwrath, 'dude.... give up'
Like a lie
assasin - let me see the vectors, if i like them i might have them rather than pixelart. i don't want my name in it. and whats a gloss?

+ everyone post wips pl0x.

and remember i am requesting a PIXEL ART avvy.
Like a lie
I would like to ty but 5k is a very low payment for a pixeled avvy if you want it to be highly detailed.

Early wip:

Last edited by sham; Aug 30, 2012 at 01:27 AM.