If this is just a wip i wonder what the real stuff will be
Really love the sync at the start and love the positions you filed although sometimes you cant see a hit really clear but most if the time you can so its very nice.
Like the snow kinda effect and the render thing and the smoke
But you could add some extra effects next time if you want
Also nice music
And btw the vid is double first part is with music then exaclty the same but without music
Cant wait for you to finish it will be very nice i think
that was pretty much fantastic
everything worked together really well, shaders, colours, textures and music, love.
the way that some of the freecam shots took in the view, befor heading to the replay, just great
9/10 because of that issue you have with the recording going after the finish.
Wooow tengo you getting way better
Pretty awesome sync and effects at start O: Maybe try some cuts too?
Love this snow, fog and colors effects
8.9/10 so far pretty nice.
i wish i can be in vid like taht O:
that was pretty much fantastic
everything worked together really well, shaders, colours, textures and music, love.
the way that some of the freecam shots took in the view, befor heading to the replay, just great
Pretty much what BenDover said, great work. You carefully picked out the shaders and colors and to make sure the scene looks great. You worked hard for everything to come together, you're improving at a fast pace.