[raku] Clan Wars
Welcome guys to the Clan Wars and related things thread!
A place to plan some new wars and a place to remember about the old ones.
The old way of planning wars. We fight for TC and the enemy's respect. Not for some random points at the ToriClan system.
An in-game room where the enemy gives some laughs with us between the fights. A cool war.
We are mainly a forum-based clan. But feel free to challenge us. Just post here about it and we'll consider.
Oh well... that's it for now. Let's see about our past results?
[Raku w/l in clan wars]
[most recent wars]
[Player w/l leaderboard]
[ /spoiler with code for all wars listed Via alphabetically order of clans ]
Feel free to post in this thread if you would like to war with us
Free form but must include
Tc Wager: 5k+
Times: Supply at least 3 on seperate days (weekends prefered)
Means of Communication: Irc forum etc
Rough estimate of available players: If unsure state only those confirmed or supply a range
Toribash Mod to be played in: Niche mods probably wont be accepted, Aikido variants
Last edited by Sentinel; Sep 18, 2012 at 11:14 AM.