Original Post
I has made a madman!
well, i know it isnt relaxed and i just fucked up in frames 600-400 but well...
its my veeeeeeeery first madman and i didnt work further on it... it was just like a flow... everything worked (my opinion ) and yea, its just my first one so yea...

hope you enjoy^^
Attached Files
My very first Madman.rpl (107.1 KB, 66 views)
I am a nobody.
Nobody is perfect.
So I am perfect!
a madman is where yes you destroy uke but you dont break anything off you

so since you broke your hand.
hmm probably no one will read ths anymore but well... its easy to not break anythign in this one... there you go
Attached Files
My very first Madman.rpl (112.3 KB, 31 views)
I am a nobody.
Nobody is perfect.
So I am perfect!
heeyy thats pretty good for your first madman

and i like it how you jump around in the end
keep it on
My deviantART
so wut?
Since when were you not allowed to get dismembered in a madman replay?

If that were true, this wouldn't be a madman would it?
Attached Files
JD - Half Man Half Awesome.rpl (195.7 KB, 43 views)
Since when did I become Asian?
thank you jd for saving this thread with some coolness
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
5/10, you would've dqed alot, and many hits didn't dismember him.
<Patriotz>: oshi I opened a torrent page and it was old lady pron D: (scared for life)
i liked jdawgs and nooblike's was pretty cool to. 9/10
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
Namco so what if he would of gotton dqed? That doesn't make a diffrence. Also J's replays are alot better than yours. Also most hits did dismember.