Nope, not what I was looking for.
I like the idea but I don't think it sticks out much. Plus the size is big because you used too many frames to make each transition effect. Il wait to see more banners for the time being.
The primary point of it is to get people to want to click it. So you don't even need the details really (it was optional I mentioned) in the list. Try a suspence trick or A curiocity killed the cat kinda thing (just examples to explain it). Make it original and well thought.
If you guys aren't sure on what I mean, picture a room with 8 doors, 7 of them all look the same but the 8th door has a sign saying Do Not Open. Now you are given a choice to go into any room you want, which one would you go for?
The effect constantly leaves your mind thinking about the door with the Do Not Open sign. Whether you open that room or not, curiosity will get the better of you in the end.