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[Solved] 3 people playing on lan detected as multiclienting

It has come to our attention just recently through an encounter with a mod, i would think, named assasins (or something to that effect) that me and 2 other cohorts of mine are being detected as one person multi-clienting, albeit we are 3 separate entities playing on separate machines yet sharing one internet connection through LAN. Now i would like to seek out advise as how to clear this little conundrum up.

the said mod was polite enough to ask one of us to leave the room and he has been very nice about it (hats off good sire). But he has told us that in case this ever happens again, we will all be banned, which is not to my liking.

Any ideas how to sort this out is very much welcome.

Thank you.
The general rule is simple:

So long as you're in a private room it's ok. To clarify, "private" as in made by someone - not one that's always there.
Avoid official servers, tournament servers & GM events if you're going to be together. You can go into them on your own, you could each be in a different one at the same time, just not the same one.

"Why?" you may ask... Well that's because despite how ever many computers/people there may be on your end, it will always show as a single at our end.

You can blame all those wonderful people farming, scamming & generally trying to abuse the system who ruined it for everyone else.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Just make a room & play in that when you want to be against each other.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you