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[Solved] - question
Ok im thinking about buying a DQ sound but before i do How would i upload The sound? cause i dont wanna waste 5$ or 30-40k tc and not no how to apply it

firebolty Moderated Message:
Make your thread titles more descriptive next time.
Last edited by firebolty; Sep 29, 2012 at 01:11 AM.
[TGS]Natejas: Wow, you have a very nice dong
you need 2$ buy it will not allow you unless you send 2 dollars in credit card to get does not use TC,only real money.and you need to record a sound and then put it on the deactivated dq sound then activate it.then when you lose by dq it will play.
To upload the sound 1st you need a sound, it needs to be a .wav

If you use Audacity & export using the default .wav settings it'll give you a file you can use.

Other than that just try & keep the sound shortish (a few seconds works best)

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<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you