You'd think people would be aware enough to get the hell out when hanging around train tracks. But of course, this is a hypothetical so I'll treat it as such.
I'd probably change into the rip, that way only 1 person dies instead of 10. Utilitarian as fuck.
tl;dr version
kill 1 child
kill 9 men
I'd kill the kid, it's more than likely he will grow up to be like one of the nine men, so might as well save more.
My first question is why the horn isn't working on the train? :s My second is why don't they feel the vibrations of the train approaching? I'm going to assume, since it's a hypothetical question, that it's more about the killing 1 child or potentially killing 10 men, rather than the blatantly obvious solutions, but whatever. Also, I'm wondering if there's a 100% chance that if the man survives he's horribly injured in some way?
You have a 100% chance to kill 1 person if you choose the rip. You have around a 35% chance to kill 10 people if you keep going. I would choose the rip. It's not worth saving the child's life if any of the men that do manage to survive are horribly disfigured or crippled for the rest of their life. I can live with the life of one child on my hands if I know I've saved 10 people from death or disfigurement. It's not a pretty choice, but if forced to I would make it.
Oddly, what makes me choose the rip is not so much killing less people, but mutilating less people. The death is a done deal if I choose the rip. Death is not a guarantee if I go straight. There's the chance, however small, that all 10 men might actually live. But if they were forced to live forever crippled, for example as quadriplegics, I could not bear to live with the knowledge I doomed 10 men to such an abject existence. I could not bear the knowledge I doomed 1 man to an abject existence. If there was a 100% chance each man escapes uninjured if he doesn't die, I would pick going straight in a heartbeat.
Tbh those men would have to die I mean? Fucking really? I see why the kid is playing ont eh tracks, I used to play on the train tr5acks. So the kid has time to grow up
10 men = RIP
1 kid = Just don't fuck up like they did.
Firstly I have no idea what a rip track is. I'm going to assume it's a repairs track like google says and that it's some part of the track you'd be able to turn into to get off the main track for a while and then get back onto at a later point. Like a small detour or something.
Anyway, the thing for me is this:
One: Your brakes are shot.
Two: You're given the option to make a turn.
Now, I'm thinking a freight train going at full speed without its brakes isn't going to fare too well taking a turn, resulting in the entire thing derailing or rolling or something causing much more death and destruction than having decided to go straight in the first place. That would more than likely result in the deaths of both the men and the child, not to mention the conductor himself.
In that situation the decision would to be to go on straight, and hope at least some of the men survive.
If a rip track isn't what I thought it was, or you're going to tell me taking a turn won't cause a colossal train wreck, then I have another answer ready.
inb4 we're told we can kill someone personally to stop the train and save all 11 people on the tracks somehow
In all honesty I would probably hit the men. I would feel horrible of course but in my opinion it wouldn't feel nearly as bad as hitting a child. Hopefully they all achieved their goals in life. But that's just me. Mathematically chances are one of them will survive. Maybe one out of the ten will see or hear the train and worn the others, but since this is once of those choice questions I have to think what if my train was completely unnoticeable.