Original Post
[Tex]Something new
So, i'm making a head, i know i make much heads, but they're not like good quality, so i wanted to make something interesting and with good quality, i made a set(not finished) but i forgot about the head, therefore i though about good idea, i came up with something cool.
The head is WIP, just made the sketch.
So, here it is:

WIP #1(Big Image)

I will add WIPs as soon as i think there's enough changes to post the WIP.
Criticism please.
Make the head in 512x512 if you want the best quality.
This method takes a small loss if you resize.

Just lay out the mapping and resize, colour and shade it in 512x512.

About the design:
Mapping looks decent, nothing special.
The mouth looks a bit low and the face looks a bit small.
Mapping of the back looks pretty boring right now.

Top of the head could be interesting.

I hope this will help you out.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.