Original Post
Selling Items
Hey, Toribasher! Im glad to see you :3

And I sell my items:

-Amethyst timer
-Chronos & gladiator user texts
-Juryo dq
-Neptune ghost

Offers, And I can to sell you All of those items (offer,offer offer:3)

Have Good Day
Last edited by nickroman; Oct 17, 2012 at 03:49 PM.
everything 5500
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".

¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".