This is the clan replay thread for [Ethr] Ethereal. This thread will be used to post Single-player replays made by members of the clan. Allies and Members can post here, but only a select few Allies can post replays here: They are: Zazo, Abdydude, iRookie, iNoobbruh
I'll start with a older replay I made for our clan video, along with an edit I made recently. C n C is appreciated.
This kind of threads are not allowed in the replays board, if you want to have a clan replay thread you can make one on your clan board. ~Juhizz
A couple more I did recently. Please use Better C n C than "there alright keep going"
Bodysplitter is basic opener I used that was actually fun to manipulate.
Stop Rolling Head WIP is just that, a WIP.
And Inches from Victory is my first attempt at parkour.