Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[S] AMAZING Cobra cartoonish head made by d3m0nz!

Sizes - 512
Recolour- No.
Resize- 1k
Starting bid- 8.5k
Tc only pl0x.
Artist - D3m0nz
8.5k tc and gold force worth 8k if u accept. So together a 16k offer. Without the force 8.5k
Hmmm possibly 9k?
Can i see ingame?
Last edited by g0dhate5us; Oct 25, 2012 at 02:51 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Sorry, you bid lower than the highest bidder. And I cant do ingame pics, makes tb crash. Trust me, the mapping is near perfect.
Besides you can use the WMed image to test ingame

So the last bidder offered at least 16k or 16.5 right?
mindless machine